
You have submitted an application for citizen's benefit, the so called bürgergeld, at the jobcenter Kiel. In preparation for our consultation, we would like to encourage you to listen to our audio file on our homepage.

Listening to the audio file is binding on you. You will receive information about the structure of the jobcenter Kiel as well as your rights and obligations when receiving bürgergeld. During the consultation, your integrationsfachkraft will ask you whether you have any questions about the audio file.

Complete Audiofile

1. Welcome

2. Appointments

3. Establishment of Jobcenter Kiel

4. Rights

4.1 Bürgergeld

4.2. Advice

4.3. Employment Budget

5. Duties

5.1. Obligation

5.2. Cooperationsplan

5.3. Notifications

5.4. Illnes

5.5. Absence

6. Conclusion